Sunday, April 28, 2013

Pulmonary testing completed

Last week I went through testing for the problem that I have been having with my chest. I will find out the results on may 9th. However, their is one more test to complete and that is a lupus panel test which will determine if I have lupus or not.All this testing is for my kidney transplant it is mandatory in order to take the next step any further. Lupus testing was something that was done 14 years ago but I wouldn't be a bad idea to participate in that testing again. Their can be a chance the last test was inaccurate. Wouldn't it be a miracle if they found out that I didn't have lupus.

Sharp hospital called me a week or two ago and wanted to know what was the status on the testing and I told them I haven't got tested yet for my chest. They told me to get a hold of them as soon as I'm done with the testing. I'm grateful that they are on top of things and they care about my needs. I knew it in my heart that this was the perfect place to be. God has his hands on this for sure.

For about a month or more I have been working out. Been doing cardio on the treadmill for twenty minutes everyday. I'm gradually going up.. I'm using resistance bands for every part of my body. I can only used the bands because using free weights is hard on my joints and they will eventually will flair up. Also, I am taking vitamin B-12 for my joints which have been helping me a lot. Since I have been working out I have noticed a difference in my strength,fatigue,and my confidence. It is not easy completing my workout everyday. There are days where I don't feel like getting out of bed but I force myself to because that's all that I can do. Focus on God and my family..period

The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again. But one disaster is enough to overthrow the wicked. (Proverbs 24:16 NLT)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Waiting waiting and waiting

As I mentioned on my last blog I got referred to a pulmonary specialist and today I saw the physician. He asked me why I was referred to him and I explained to him that I was having problems with my breathing. Then he asked me another set of questions. Prior to this appointment I had other tests done such as an angiogram and a breathing test. The angiogram test came out normal according to the physician but however the breathing test came out Abnormal. So the physician ordered a cat scan of my lungs and some more comprehensive tests. The physician said we should have all this done in 4-6 weeks. At that very moment a thought rushed into my mind "waiting waiting and waiting" but I erased that thought out of my mind and I pulled myself together and told God "God it's based on your timing not mine, I give you my worries, my doubts,my anguish, for you will deliver me out of this trial that I am facing at this moment of my life." Amen lord Jesus....what other God can perform miracles such as my God.A God who can tell a crippled person to walk again or A God who departs the Red Sea and last A God who controls the lions from not eating Daniel into shreds in the lions dean!!! My God is a just and faithful God full of grace and mercy!!

As far as the pain goes with the dialysis it his still there at times. My PD nurse changed my prescription which includes more fluid on my peritoneal cavity. So I have more of a beer belly than ever before lol.

I've said it once and I have said it a thousand times anyone who knows me I am always....always thankful for my wife!!!!! Who is maturing as a Christian women as god made her to be.