Sunday, July 21, 2013

Looks like a new beginning

These past couple of weeks have been tough. Not only physical but also emotional draining. Not only the move was exhausting but being on dialysis It can make it ten times harder than it already is. It seems like after the move to Irvine everything has gone down hill. you may ask what went down hill well first of all my motivation to stay focus on my fitness, eating, and more importantly my spirituality. It's really been a roller coaster. Numerous people that I talked to that have been on dialysis tell me the number one thing to do is stay focus and fight. There are days when you don't want to get out of bed but you have to force yourself out of it. I have been through that already!!! It doesn't feel we'll. According to my PD nurse depression is a major problem in PD patients. I totally agree with her on that . Thats where my God comes into play in all of this. He is the true source for strength. 

You know in my opinion...we'll actually its not an opinion it's the truth. You don't know who God truly is in till you have reached rock bottom in your life because that is when we approach God in a humble and sincere way. The God that created the cosmos, The God that fed 5000 in the middle of the desert with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. If God can do all of this for his children wouldn't he do something simple such as healing you or me from our sickness or sin? Why do we question God? Our faith is  very weak.Everyday we put our faith into something Whether it be our brakes in our car. Hoping they don't fail and they work properly. Or a chair that we sit on that it doesn't collapse on us lol which can be very embarrassing.. That has happened to me before lol. I will tell you this reader I'm not sure if you Are a believer or not but I am a winner in all of  this...What do I mean? Either there is a God and I am saved from eternal Hell and that is when I'm a winner. Or there is no such thing as God and I have still lived a peaceful and joyful life while believing a made up religion and come up a winner.It's a win win situation!!!!! Lets be realistic both sound nice but the first one is better right and its true. If Im not convinced by now on who God really is then I'm not sure how much more evidence I need with the history to look at and looking at my life and how he carried me through the struggles. God is real and wants a relationship with you and I!!!!


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