Friday, July 26, 2013

Job searching and staying hopeful

A month or two ago Tory and I decided that it would be a great idea for me to look for a job. Now that I am feeling better with the dialysis and getting use to it I think its best. It will not only give me a sense of purpose but give us an extra income.So there is this program called ticket to work which deals with people who are living with a disability. they help them with finding a job and they also have other services as well. I think this will benefit me a whole lot. I'm done with all of the paper work and I have been given the ok to go back to work from my doctor.Happy about that :)

On a different note, it's been 11 months since I have been on dialysis and I just can't explain to you how much God is shaping me and molding me into his image. Some of you may not get this but it's a true blessing to go through this because it shows me how powerful God is. When I'm weak he strengthens me. When I'm all alone he's there with me. When I cry he keeps a record of all my tears. Going through struggles is a's a true blessing. When you are struggling don't ask God to get me out of this...instead ask God what do you want me to learn from this and praise him..believe me it's for your own benefit and his glory forever :)

"Please be my strength...please be my strength.. I don't have anymore...I don't have anymore" Gungor


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