Sunday, March 10, 2013

Last doctors Apointment

This coming Tuesday Tory and I are going to Sharp memorial Hospital for one last evaluation from  the kidney surgeon.After the evaluation there is a committee of professionals who will decide if I am a good candidate for a kidney transplant. If they decide I am a good candidate then family,friends, and even strangers will have the opportunity to test to see if they are in good standing to be a kidney donor. This requires a large amount of trust and faith in my God. This has been a long journey already but I truly believe in my heart that I have Gods favor. It's in his hands and its based on his timing not Tory's or mine. My prayer is that I will get a kidney transplant within 5 months that will mark a year since I have been on kidney dialysis. I know it can happen..anything can happened with God on my side!!


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